Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Life, actually

I was pondering about various issues of life in my usual depressed state. The meaning of life, the meaning of our life and the purpose of our life when I came across this beautiful story told by my friend Ankur. I am reproducing it as well as I remember in the hope that it will help redefine our lives or help us keep to the right paths that we have chosen.

There used to be a gardener who used to carry water on two cans balanced on his shoulders to the royal gardens. One of the cans had a hole in it. After many years of service, the can asked the gardener (believe in it folks! it doesn't cost you anything to go through this post or the implications therein) 'Why do you keep using me for the purpose of taking water to the Royal Gardens knowing fully well that I have a hole in me?' The Gardener then didn't reply. He took the can of water to the paths they had travelled daily for all those months. On one side, there were beautiful flowers blooming all around while on the other, the land was arid and dry. The Gardener pointed this out to the can with the hole and it is said the can breathed a sigh of relief on knowing his importance in life to those he hadn't thought about.

It is the same with us human beings. Each act we undertake, every act of kindness that we indulge in results in happiness to a select few who, though unknown to us, pray everyday for us and thank God for our existence. It is like what my room-mate Mithu told me: Each person is born on this Earth for a purpose, whether we know it or not. I can only hope that my existence has brought a few of those smiles to some people, albeit a few in number...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great story...The teller(and u too) is absolutely right that everyone and everything is there for a pre defined purpose...But have u wondered one thing? Why the gardener bothered to use the damaged,leaky can? Was it solely for the purpose of watering the barren road and make it blossom? Or because he was a royal servant and didnt bother to replace the can(like most of them do who work for the government)out of sheer insincerity and complacency? I know this thought is funny but i cant help wondering..!!