I don't understand. People, i mean.
For the last few weeks, I have seen a steady increase in the visitor counter numericals as well as an increase in my followers (thats not my term, blogger provided it). The followers are real enough, okay. But I have doubts about the counter. Why? Read on.
1. The counter functions such that whenever you open a page, it counts as one hit. If you even navigate to a post inside the blog, it will count as another hit. That may explain the increase in traffic, for one.
2. In the earlier days of the counter (not nowadays, i assure you), i myself used to reload the page a few times. Well, who would like a counter to read '11' when the blog itself has been around for almost six months? I don't know whether I do so subconsciously (or maybe in my sleep- that would probably be termed somnamrefreshism ;)) and in case I do that, that may account for the high number of visitors.
3. I have many well-meaning friends who like to inflate my ego to dizzying extents. May I put the blame upon them?
4. A regularly updated blog may draw good amount of traffic which again eggs the writer on to write more and it continues in a vicious cycle. Is someone egging me on by increasing the numbers in my counter?
5. A plot to find out more about my misadventures and misdeeds (which I may describe in great detail, once I run out of subjects)?
6. People genuinely come to read my stuff?
Which brings us to the same old question. Do people like what they read here? Or do they just come back for the next post because I promised them it would be better (see headline of the blog)? Or do they come just to vent their spleen (yeah, referring to u darkie)? Or, maybe for the fabulous (though plagiarized) information they get here (last post)? Do they come out of courtesy (I at least know a few who may get a severe tongue lashing if they didn't visit :))? Do they come because of the (brackets)? Or the bulleted points?
I don't know. Honestly.
I don't understand. People, I mean.
Dnt knw abt t others,bt I like ur posts man. Regarding t counter,all gud things hav evil inherent in them and t evil is beautiful,like t clicking counter
I removed the counter by the way. i dont know about others...i just like to read...anything new...:-) okay...i like reading ur blog...so u can count me in as one of the genuine readers...:-)
As an afterthought, if u would have written shit i wouldnt have bothered to visit ur blog a second time.
See? Such honest, well-intentioned people you have surrounded yourself with?
Eat the damn mangoes man,(eeeeps, some proverbs do not translate well, do they?)
while you're eating the mangoes, i would like to tell you that though i started as a (ahem) sceptic, you've converted me into a fan.
need more butter(ing) or would you stop talking about yourself;-)?
i genuinely like ur blogs,as well as some of ur frens'.i try to think up smthing to write after reading ur blog,bt havent really succeeded yet.
i do hope u'll keep them coming.
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