Monday 21 July 2014



It is strange, sometimes bordering on weird. What you want to do, what you think you'll do, all become meaningless when you reach the state where you would have thought you would be.

There is no one to talk to. 'Friends' are busy with their lives. And rightly so. Parents are busy planning your marriage. Your fiancee is busy making plans of life post marriage.

And you? Wandering about, searching for meaning and purpose in this meaningless and purposeless world. Drowning your fears in a gulp of alcohol. And some more. Because one gulp is not enough. It never is.

But that is what we call life. Doing things because we need to, not because we want to, accepting the norms and being one of them. Providing for others, being a means to their ends, your ends and your dreams not withstanding.

And so it goes on. Until one day...


Nang Thaulungmun said...

one day all there is left is silence ...the long standing silence.That endless solitude; but atleast free of the mundane and insane chaos which one loves at times but despises at other times.The things around us can't live with it but can't even live without it.

daktar said...

Thats one possibility of many. Thanks for sharing.