Thursday, 3 December 2015

The Murder

Chapter One

The Tribune, May 9

Reports are coming in of a murder in the prestigious Government Medical College in  Dibrugarh. According to our sources, the body of an on duty doctor was found in the duty room of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department of the college. The manner of death as well as any otherdetails are as yet undisclosed, till the time of publishing this story. As a result of the murder, there is unrest among the students of the college. Top police officials are said to have reached the college for investigating the case.

D's Diary

May 9, 11PM

It was hell today. It was my third exam today and I got little sleep. Maybe 2-3 hours. As I was getting dressed for the exam, with butterflies in the stomach, I heard someone talking outside my room. "Someone stabbed her."I didn't give much thought to it, thinking it to be some news on the TV, in some far off place, not having any bearing on my life or those living with me. 

As I went for breakfast, I met C outside the common room. "Do you know, a doctor has been stabbed in the O & G department?" he said to me. "No. Is it serious? What was the cause? Did any patient die?" I replied. Beating doctors is a common thing nowadays, but stabbing is serious matter. "I don't know. I am trying to find out. You concentrate on giving the exam." 

I reached the exam hall around 15 minutes early. By then news had come that the said doctor was a female and was dead probably due to stabbing. A gloom seemed to hang by the exam hall entrance. I could see some sobbing faces too. 

The exam was a blur. Most of the questions asked were known, so I just tried to write what would come in my mind. But the heart was troubled by the events happening outside. 

The way back from the exam hall went by the post mortem hall. I saw a large crowd of students gathered there. I saw C again and hailed him. "It was a gruesome affair. It seems she was strangled and then stabbed. At least people who have been near the body say so. There was a large crowd of students in the department. The Head of the Department had shut himself in his office fearing violence against him. One or two Professors came and tried to shoo the students away but they were greeted by angry reactions. Even the vice-principal and senior professors were heckled. The Principal could not be contacted. The police came later and the body was cordoned off and is now been taken for post mortem." C updated me. "How was the exam?" He asked as an afterthought. "Fuck the exam." I replied. 

I stayed there for a while. I didn't know the victim personally, so I heard about people's views on her. Seems she was a nice person, friendly with all and a good student. Was into her first year of post graduation in the college straight after completing her internship. She was to get married later this year to one of the guys who was appearing the exams with us. 

With heavy heart, I went to the hostel and tried to have food. After a few unsuccessful attempts, I pushed the plate away and went to the common room to catch the news on television. Already, it was a mess. The TV crews had by then traced the home of the victim, and were there already. One 'scribe' asked a grieving family member "How do you feel?" "Bloody hell! I'll tell him how I feel if i ever see him." said the guy with the remote and changed the channel.

The day went like that. People talking about the girl, about the college, how things are so insecure here, the next course of action, and the stirrings of an agitation. I tried to sleep but could not. 

Evening came and went. The next exam was two days away. I tried to sit and study. I failed. I made numerous excursions to the common room and back. I joined groups of people discussing the affair, each with their own views on what might have happened, and what would happen now.

I tried to go to bed after dinner but sleep still eludes me. I think it'll be hell tonight as well.

(Based on real events. Chapter 2 coming soon)


The Cynic said...

Where's chapter two?

Read this, I want to.

daktar said...

Coming soon. Hopefully, this week.

The Cynic said...

Still waiting.

The Cynic said...

Still waiting.