1. Why 'men are from mars and women from venus' when both are born, live and die on earth?
2. Why are women referred to as the fairer sex? Does it mean that if a white male marries a black female, she will be referred to as belonging to the darker sex? Conversely, are males referred to as the darker sex?
3. Why do marriage counsellors use either vague or very sophisticated terms while discoursing on the subject? Do they think the females to be dumb and the males dumber still due to the female effect?
4. Why do ads show hundreds of beautiful, sexy and scantily clad women almost molesting a male who is using an AXE deo? Is it the axe effect?
5. Why do the male and female protagonists almost always fall in love by the end of a Bollywood flick?
The list goes on and on... But a member of the fairer sex from Venus seems to be calling me. So...
(Inspired in part by the song 'socha hai' and the post 'socha hai'. The words however, are original) :)
why does a certain VU always (literally) enumerate his points in his popsts? is ut a remnant from his days in AMC MBs when he used to conjure answers out of thin air?
Thnx:-) But dude how many marraige counsellors have ya been to, eh?!
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