2H + O2 ------> H2O
Two molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen, when brought together, form one molecule of water.(as we were taught in school)
But its not about school here. Nor about water. Its about a watering hole in Dibrugarh and the memories attached to it.
There were only two places in Dibrugarh where I really felt at home. The first was my college campus and the second, during the latter part of my grad years, H2O.
I don't remember the date of my first trip there. It was with a friend who has been variously called 'pagal', 'havoc' and at times an 'a**hole'. It was probably his birthday. Anyway, I was struck by the ambience as I walked in. Semi darkened environment with hidden lighting, cool music playing in the background, soft couches and an interesting menu. And the service was quite efficient too. I don't remember what I consumed that evening- probably some cold drink or a mocktail (i was a good boy till then, you know!) but i came out with a longing to go back soon.
And go back, i did. The visits increased in frequency and my liver buckled up for some rough treatment as i graduated from cold drinks to mocktails to beer and to vodka. And i started picking up the lingo and discovering different flavors. And also the accompanying heady feeling when you get 'drunk' and you feel 'yay'. And some terrible headaches and hangovers too!
Since that time, H2O became a permanent fixture of our Dibrugarh existence. Celebrations called for a trip there as did sorrows. Many a passing out party was given there (and people did 'pass out'...lol...). Matters of the heart- whether it was getting hooked up or getting ditched resulted in the inevitable trip to H2O. So much so, that we were being given 'frequent flyer' type treatment and treated to discounts and all!
I remember the place more for the conversations that I had there. After downing some pegs, when the mind is without fear and the head held high [:)], when inhibitions take a back seat, serious conversations took place. They ranged from the quizzing scene in our college and in the state, from books to politics, from movies to cricket, from girls to dogs and god knows what, all the while craning our necks to have a peek at Mumait Khan waltzing to 'Mere piya gaye Rangoon' on the LCD [that was one of our favs. We requested the song so many times and saw it so many times that it has become permanently linked with the mention of H2O. Alas, the CD got damaged due to some rough handling (and maybe because of overplaying!)]. That was where, after getting high, I used to discourse about love to my fellows and lesser mortals or in case I was in a depressed mood, listen to people discourse on matters of the heart. That was where I had one to one conversations with my friend fr2k1 about girls, love and life in general. That was where fr2k1 gave me tips on how to kiss a girl better [haven't got a chance to try it out yet. *sigh* :( ] and opened my eyes to the realisation that i was a handsome guy with quite a fan following and quite appealing to the members of the opposite sex. Unfortunately, the realisation lasted only till the effects of the alcohol lasted.
I remember the return from the place to hostels. Having stayed most of the time till closing time, there would be a paucity of autorickshaws when we came out. The first thing we invariably did was to eat a paan at the nearest paanwallah's. Then it would be a long walk back (about 4-5 kms) with the more drunk being supported by the less drunk. The march would be accompanied by songs, if the mood picked up, or loud proclamations of undying love and brotherhood. A quiet usually descended when one entered the college premises as we were supposed to be 'model citizens'. The tempo was generally picked up again at the hostels though.
I remember too the last time I went there. It was eight of our batchmates who resided in the same hostel and who went out to celebrate for the last time together as students. We had a pretty 'emotional' time with slurred speeches being given, discussing our six years of togetherness and the approaching tough times. The videos I made are still with me and i sometimes look at them while having those low days and it never fails to bring a smile to my face. And it was the same old 'long walk back' with me supporting 'printer' who never says no to alcohol come what may and in whatever state he is in. It was a horrendous night, listening to printer's retching sounds (that almost woke up the whole hostel limb) and trying to give him an intravenous injection of an antiemetic.(it failed obviously, no one was in a fit state to administer an iv injection, it had to be given intramuscular).
I can go on and on about H2O and the memories. They form a part of my life that I shall always look back to with a smile. And the gaeity that we engaged in, that euphoria shall always come back when I reminisce about them. Any further visit to Dibrugarh shall be incomplete for me, without a visit to H2O.
1 comment:
love u vinay da.
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