Thursday, 19 June 2008

In Search of a Better Topic

Well, well, well. I am no Arnold Schwarzeneggar and I didn't make any promise about coming back, but here it is - I am back. Back into the big bad cyberworld from which i had to take a forced leave due to the inability of my service provider to keep me connected.And while i huffed and puffed here and there, applying for a new connection with a new company (this is Asom guys, in case u didn't know!- snails move faster here), shouted quite a few times at the supposed call centre executives, had a hard time figuring out the internet settings, the cyberworld had moved along. I felt so out of touch when i came back. My favourite sites were wearing a completely new look, most of my contacts had simply forgotten i was there and i was lost... A quote came back to me out of my past "Anyone who thinks himself indispensable should watch a finger in a bowl of water. When the finger is removed, the water fills the void that was created".

Now, with my aura of indispensibility dispersed, i thought of updating my neglected blog. I wonder if anyone reads all that crap i write (i seem to be mirroring someone, word for word!)except for some of my good friends who seem to go through them and post some ego-boosting comments. But it gives a release to the pent up feelings and emotions deep inside and afterwards i feel better.

Hell! I should probably have got drunk before starting. Its so difficult to express in fluid words what you want to say when you are sober. For that matter, I myself don't know what I am writing. A flight of ideas starts in my brain, reaches a certain point and then changes tracks altogether leaving me confused.

I search for a topic to write. What do I go for this time? Death??? Nah! Thats too depressing, though easier to write about as it brings all your depression and anguish to the fore. Love??? Hmm... Its beautiful but what else would a poor somebody write about something that has been covered from all improbable angles by some (sorry, most, if not all) literary giants? Loneliness??? Thats better felt than described. The political situation??? That always remains the same, only the players change; the only persons benefitting from politics are probably the politicians themselves. Book or movie reviews??? Thats interesting. But i haven't seen any new and interesting movie yet and have been revising some of my old classics- Lord of the Rings, O Jerusalem and now The Deathly Hallows- and these dont need any reviews.

What then? Nothing? Of all the wide array of matter in the world, i have nothing to write about? Well, glancing up at the length of this piece, i have written about something though. I am confused. Nothing? Something? ? ? ?

I'll let you guys decide...